
Showing posts from April, 2017 hard to treat

My name is Tammy. I have had a chronic headache for half of my life. It isn't one that just comes and goes, it is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Honestly I couldn't tell anyone what it would be like to not be in pain, because I don't remember. I have been told that the diagnosis is Daily Chronic tension headache, Occipital Neuralgia type headache, and even chronic migraine. There is no reason for why it started, and no one seems to figure out what to do do help. The interesting thing is that throughout the entire time I have always known I would find something to help either decrease the pain a lot, or have the pain completely gone. If you are like me with a constant headache, you have probably wondered if there will ever really be something to help. Over the last few years I have had a chance to talk with others who have headaches. The hardest thing is that no one has a headache like another- we all have different types, different intensities, and different parts of