
Showing posts from October, 2017

headache frustrations

Each person's headache journey is different. There are so many different types of headaches and it affects each of us so differently. Here is the next piece to the journey I have had this year. So I went to see a new doctor since my insurance covers everything for the rest of the year. She is a neurologist physician assistant and has had migraine headaches herself. My first visit with her was not one that I was impressed by. The first thing she said was that all chronic headaches are just chronic migraines that are stuck in the migraine cycle. It made me frustrated at that point because I have never believed that all headaches are the same. Not everyone has the same treatment. What works for one person may not work for others. She said that the first thing to do was to take me off all of the pain medications and muscle relaxers. That same appointment they tried nerve blocks at the occipital level, temperal area, above each eye, and below each eye. The nerve block should numb the t