
Showing posts from May, 2017

Headaches and arm pain

Living with chronic pain is not easy. So many people tell me how amazed they are at how happy I am, and most cannot tell that I even have chronic headaches. I have learned to live with it and most of the time the pain is just a part of life. The pain has become a part of life, a part that I would love to change. over the last 6 years after going to lots of different doctors I began with steroid injections in my neck at C6-C7. I received that injection because my right arm was having trouble with being shaky, numb on the pinky side, and weakness. I am right handed so having my arm feel that way does not help in everyday life. It was a few months after that when I went to my first pain specialist. After having pain for 12 years, I wanted help to get through it so I have been doing a lot to keep moving forward. Recently after a Ketamine Infusion last year which didn't help with the pain at all- it was generally to help reset the system, but instead it was something I would not go th