Headaches and arm pain

Living with chronic pain is not easy. So many people tell me how amazed they are at how happy I am, and most cannot tell that I even have chronic headaches. I have learned to live with it and most of the time the pain is just a part of life. The pain has become a part of life, a part that I would love to change.
over the last 6 years after going to lots of different doctors I began with steroid injections in my neck at C6-C7. I received that injection because my right arm was having trouble with being shaky, numb on the pinky side, and weakness. I am right handed so having my arm feel that way does not help in everyday life. It was a few months after that when I went to my first pain specialist. After having pain for 12 years, I wanted help to get through it so I have been doing a lot to keep moving forward.
Recently after a Ketamine Infusion last year which didn't help with the pain at all- it was generally to help reset the system, but instead it was something I would not go through again. Then I had Botox done in March which has caused more pain lately. I couldn't bend over naturally to just get a drink from the drinking fountain like you normally do without pain. It wasn't too long after this that my right arm began having the same problems like it did just over 6 years ago.
Today I had an EMG and nerve conduction study done. It is not a fun test and even hours afterwards my right arm is still in pain. The nerve conduction study has 3 small electrodes which are placed in various parts of the arm and a tool is used to conduct a current which you can feel in the nerve. It is not comfortable at all, and can be painful. the second part was the EMG which has a small needle placed into various muscles to see how the nerve acts with the muscle. There are 2 electrodes that are placed on the outside of the arm in various places which are close to the muscles being tested. Then the same thing was done at the top of my neck as well. Who knows maybe it will tell me something that I didn't know in regards to my headaches. I did learn that part of the arm numbness, and pain is coming from inflammation in my elbow--Tennis Elbow, or Golfers Elbow--but I have never played either sport except for Miniature Golf. If after some therapy it clears up then we know that is exactly what caused the arm pain, numbness, shakiness, and weakness.
The hardest thing about having a pain like this is that I have no idea what causes it since I was not in an accident of any kind when it started. I am hoping that others will find this blog and see what I have tried, so that a list can be made of things that people have tried for headaches.

Lately I have heard things like: riding diet of sugar, or gluten free, or seeing if there are food allergies; more exercise; permanent acupuncture point in the ear; or even try Ketamine more than one time. There are so many things that can help a variety of people and so if a complete list can be made then we can give each other ideas to help each other. So please feel free to comment and share your story. Together we can help one another.


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